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News from now on on Youtube
Published on 25-12-2024

Most of the updates and news will be covered on our official YouTube channel:

To stay up to date please subscribe, and if you're interested about a relevant topic you can ask questions in the comments. It's more practical for me to answer there compared to forum.


No more PerfectMoney
Published on 14-11-2024

My account on Perfect Money will like with many users be deleted on 22 november, so I disabled that payment option. I think this is what happened with Paidverts and MyTrafficlValue which bankrupted them. I think.  Luckilly, I only have like 5$ whihc now I'll try to exchange or something.
I also canceled one pending payment because the user is also unabled to receive the payments.

Lowered Min Payouts and eMoneySpace rankings
Published on 01-11-2024

I lowerd the minimum payment required to request a payment, and now these are the new requirements:

Instant Withdrawal (Payeer) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Min for cashout $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00

Of course, we still should give at least some privileges to upgraded users, like instant payments.

Bubobux got approved for voting on eMoneySpace ranking list, so please give us a thumbs up the higher rank, the easier is to grow and therefore more money for you'all

Payments and Support system
Published on 27-10-2024

When asking for a payment, please make sure you've provided the valid address. A few users were requesting payments while having a wrong payment addresses saved in in their Personal Settings under Payment Method (maybe by mistake) and they expected their payments. They probably though that their username (on Bubobux) is their Payeer's payment wallet. Nope.

Of course, I canceled and refunded their requests. However, I received some (hate) tickets complaing, and because I wasn't able to respond right away (due to mailing issues, which now is fine) they probably though I'm not going to pay them.

In conclusion, please update your profile before asking for a payment.

p.s. I'll most likely be using to email you directly if you open a new ticket. It might be even more practical to mail me there, instead of using a support tickets. But whatever you fancy.

p.s.s. Invalid token of Ptc Ads is fixed, and for video ads, if it doesn't load, just refresh a page a few times, or change a browser... I'll have to try to fix that as well

Invalid Token
Published on 16-10-2024

I think I've fixed the long-lasting and annoying "Invalid Token" issue that occurred during advertisement watching. Previously, watching ads worked only on some web browsers, but now I texted on most known browsers and it looks like I solved it. To compare the issue, I "left" the bug active on Traffic Exchange, and will fix it soon.

If you have issues watching video ads (not loading the plugin) try other browsers? Until I fix that issue as well :)

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